Basically what we do is pay you to let us place advertisements on your Facebook and Social media platforms .... Just like the ads you see on YouTube before you watch the main video.... We place food Advertisements , Restaurant advertisements, Candy crush game app ads, electronics ads , things like that etc...... Definitely no porn !!! We pay you $20 for the first advertisement we post on your Facebook.... So in total you can make up to $300 just to join w the best advertisement if your account qualifies that is, Not every account qualifies !!! We start off with one advertisement, if the first advertisement runs smooth we may place more it all depends how good your account is ......But first it starts w one and u get $20 for that one .... It's like your renting out your Facebook Ad space to us , you still own it so don't worry you use it as normal ... Why not get paid just to have a Facebook right?? Nothing changes on your Facebook whatsoever ...... The ad promotes itself so you don't have to touch it or do anything to it . Also , we pay you $20- $40 for each friend you refer on Facebook, it's very simple ....
We pay you either through The Circle pay app,square cash app or PayPal.... Pay is weekly not daily so please don't ask to be paid daily . We have to make sure ads Run smooth that's why it's weekly . Let me know if this is something that interests you, and yes it's FREE to join Not a penny out of your pocket !!!!
I'm making $200 to $500 a day doing this just by refering people and you easily can also ! Millions of people on Facebook look at the big picture ! $
Requirements to qualify 👇👇👇👇
Must have a computer or laptop
No tablets / Can use phone after to promote/refer .
Facebook must be over a Year old or more
Must have over 100 Facebook friends
Must live in the U.S Only
Must never had an Ad placed before also!
If you meet those tell me "I'm in" and I meet the requirements...!
If you don't qualify you can still refer people to me and still be paid $40 each person that qualifies and Joins !
Follow us on Facebook @opportunityarena
Follow us on Instagram @opportunityarena
Follow us on twitter @opportunityarena
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